My Choice offers pregnancy test services. A urine pregnancy test will give you results in just a few minutes. However, sometimes in very early pregnancy there is not enough pregnancy hormone present in the urine to show a positive test. For this reason, we also offer a blood test for pregnancy. This test, called a “quantitative hcg” is done by taking a routine vial of blood and sending it to the laboratory for analysis. The test will report exactly how much of the HCG pregnancy hormone is present in the blood. Anything over a count of 5 is considered “pregnant”. This result is obtained the next day and you will receive a call from the office to review the report. 

Neither one of these pregnancy tests can accurately detect your exact gestational age (“how far along” you are), possibly of multiple gestation (twins, etc.), or health/viability of the pregnancy. For this information, it is recommended to do an ultrasound evaluation.