Need Financial Assistance for Termination Services?
If you would like to receive financial help paying for your services, we have partnered with some organizations to make that possible.Thanks to generous grants and donations from these groups and individuals, there are multiple ways to receive financial assistance if you do not have the funds to cover your abortion services. We value giving all women access to necessary care - and are here to help overcome any barriers to receiving reproductive services. In order to receive assistance, please book an appointment using the following link: Online Booking ( or call us directly to book the appointment. Once your appointment is booked, please visit the links below to explore different options and apply for aid and be sure to provide your appointment date and details. If you need assistance with this process, have any questions, or would like to speak with our staff directly regarding any aspect of finances, please don’t hesitate to call our office.
ACCESS Reproductive Justice
Call 800-376-4636 or visit
The Lilith Fund (For Texans)
Call 877-659-4304 (english) or 877-355-1461 (spanish) or visit
Looking to Donate?
We are proud to be the only private practice in Southern California that is certified by the National Abortion Federation and are thankful to work hand-in-hand with them and other organizations and donors to help provide women with access to the reproductive care they need. We see and serve clients from all walks of life, all socio-economic statuses, all over the country and even outside of our borders. Some of these people are traveling great distances from places where they are unable to receive the care they need and have to take on additional travel expenses to come to our office. Your generous donations help make this possible and alleviate the financial burden. If you would like to partner with us financially and help break down the barriers to abortion care, please visit one of the links below to donate. We are grateful for your kindness and generosity - we couldn’t do this without you. Together, we can assure all women have access to the care they deserve.
Venmo & Zelle Donations:
My Choice GoFundMe page: